CLIQLY How earn money with clicks

Create your passive income by dedicating 15 minutes a day. Take ownership of your business and enjoy managing it to the fullest.

Subscribe to our email list to receive a discount related to the business.

What will you get by signing up for free?"

Email List

Built in "Ready Made" email lists that connects to hundreds of thousands instantly

Email pre-written

Pre-Written and Pre-Approved Emails designed to get real traffic to any offer you choose

Marketing training

Complete Email Marketing training shows you how to choose an offer and start generating sales immediately

You can send 500,000 emails during the trial period: 75,000 per day as step 1. You can send another 200,000 to build your email list as step 2. These emails will be opened by your list's users, and for each click, the company pays you $0.10. You can start earning profits for free (about $5 a day or more). After the trial period, if you wish, you can make the first upgrade for a cost of $97. This way, you can send 500,000 emails to grow your user list and 1,000,000 pro emails to earn even more profits. Click the button below and start earning daily profits for free."


Create your direct

Cliqly will give you the 100% of first upgrade of your direct. You will receive $97 as soon as he/she will make an upgrade

Subsequent upgrades

From the subsequent upgrades that your referral makes, you will receive 5% of the cost of their upgrade."


Remember that to obtain useful vouchers, besides sending emails to get clicks, you must be able to purchase email packages, especially those on promotion."

Safedigitalcoin Customer Support

Click on the Telegram icon, and you will be directed to the Cliqly topic within our Telegram group. We will provide you with more details there